How to Edit Unit Details and Create Notes

As a state leader, you can view and edit data for a local unit by going to My Organization, then Manage Units. Local units can edit some of their Unit Data, while the state PTA can edit most of the data within this area.  

Editing Unit Details

1. From the toolbar, go to My Organization, then Manage Units, and select the unit you wish to view or edit. 

2. From this page, you can edit any of the Unit Details for this unit. This is a large amount of data and is not required but available if you wish to track any of this information for your local PTAs. The only required data for a PTA is the National ID, Unit Name, and site subdomain. 


Once you are done editing the Unit data, you can click Save on the bottom right side. 

3. You can also create Notes regarding a local unit PTA. The purpose of the notes is for State/Council/Region leaders to share notes regarding a local unit they may be assisting.  State Leaders can view and edit all notes created for a local unit, while Region and Council leaders can view all notes and only edit the ones they have created. Local units will not be able to see any notes created. 

You can view all notes created for a local unit within their Unit Details and the end of the details.  To create a new note, click the Add Note button.  Type your note and click Save

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 12.55.57 PM.png

To edit a note, click on the existing note to edit and save.  You can also delete a note this way as well. 

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 12.57.10 PM.png


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