Messages: View Message Send & Open Rates

After you send a message through Givebacks you're able to view the recipient sent and open rates for each email and newsletter you send out. This information can be seen within Communications > View & Send Messages and Create Newsletters. The analytics provided are simply the number of contacts the message was sent to, the percentage of opens, and the percentage of clicks in the message. You can also see this information for text messages. 

For Newsletters you can view the statistics for all your campaigns. Click View Campaigns. You will then be able to see all newsletters sent under that campaign.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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1 comment

  • Hello my name is Shondreca Wilson. I am very excited about the up coming school year. My son Rodrick Hunter and I are looking forward to a pronominal experience and a new challenge that we have to get familiar with. I would like to thank KIPP for allowing us an opportunity to be apart of this team in which we have been trying to join for three years now. Thank you so much. 😘😘


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