How do we import teams and participants for crowdfunding and a-thons?

You can import teams and participants for your campaigns in Campaign Details under the Add Teams and Add Participants sections. Download the template, fill in the information, and upload the file.

If your fundraiser experience doesn't match the descriptions below please click here to go to the appropriate help article.

Importing Teams

Importing Participants

Importing Teams

1. Within your campaign go to Campaign DetailsAdd Teams.

2. You must use the template provided by clicking Download CSV Template

3. The template will include a column for each field you indicated you wanted to include at registration. Fill in the template with your team data. Save as a .CSV file.

Note: Do not change the template in any way. Simply fill in the data.

Note: If a team image is required for registration, you will not be able to add the image through an import. The image will need to be added separately. To add the image click the 3 dots next to the team, select Edit Team Info, and upload the image.

4. Click Import from CSV.

5. Click Select File and add your import file.

6. Click Import.

7. Your teams will be added to your campaign. Click the 3 dots next to a team if you need to edit or delete the team.

Importing Participants

1. Within your campaign go to Campaign DetailsAdd Participants.

2. You must use the template provided by clicking Download CSV Template

3. The template will include a column for each field you indicated you wanted to include at registration. Fill in the template with your participant data. Save as a .CSV file.

Note: Do not change the template in any way. Simply fill in the data.


  • Teams must be entered into the campaign first.
  • Email addresses do not need to be unique.
  • Team names must match the team already loaded into the campaign exactly. Capitalization and punctuation matter.

4. Click Import from CSV.

5. Click Select File and add your import file.

6. Click Import.

7. Your participants will be added to your campaign. Click the 3 dots next to a participant if you need to edit or delete the participant.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.


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