Is there a link people can use to join our site?

You can generate a link to send people to your public Site Joins Page, which is essentially a registration page for your site. This can be used in conjunction with or as an alternative to adding people with email addresses manually.

Enabling your Site Joins Page allows your organization to provide a link to a public page where people can register themselves and family members (if applicable) to join your Givebacks site and join specific hubs if you choose to allow this. Site administrators will then approve or reject the join requests.

Note: This does not add people as members. Use the Givebacks Store for this function.

Site Joins Page Setup

1. From the toolbar select Contacts > Manage Join Requests.

2. Click Settings on the top left to set up your site joins page. (This is a quick way to reach SettingsOrganization Settings.)

3. Scroll to the Site Joins section and check the box for enabling your Site Joins Page. You may also choose to auto-approve site joins.  Please use this option cautiously as it removes the validation step to allow users in your site.

4. You have to option to select the date range you want your Site Joins page open. You can also add any descriptions/information you want to appear as an introduction comment on the site joins page. Click the blue Save Changes button on the bottom right.

5. Copy the Site Joins link. The link will take people to the Site Joins page where they will request to join your Givebacks site as a contact.

There are two options. You can provide the full web address which includes the Join Request Key. Or, for a greater degree of security, you can give out the shorter of the two web addresses that does not include the key in the address. Visitors who join that page will be required to type in the Join Request Key to register. You will need to communicate the key separately.

Site Joins Page

The user will fill out the form.

Processing Join Requests

1. Administrators can process join requests under Contacts > Manage Join Requests.

2. Check the box next to the person and choose the Accept, Reject, or Hold button. 

Upon accepting a join request, a new contact and family will be created under Contacts > Manage Contacts or if a match is found, it will update the existing contact's information.

Rejecting the request will flag the request accordingly.

Holding a request just puts it into a "hold" state so an administrator can handle it later. 

3. To edit a person's role, click the 3 dots at the end of the line. Select the correct role from the dropdown and click Submit.

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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