How to manage account codes as a District?

Districts can create account codes for the district site. They can also enable or disable district units' ability to create account codes and set the account code format. To create account codes and manage account code settings, go to Financial Management, then select Account Codes.

Creating Account Codes

1. From the Givebacks toolbar, select Financial Management, then select Account Codes.

2. Click the Add Account Code button in the upper right corner.

3. Enter an Account NameAccount Code, and an optional Account Description. The account code must match the given format. A "#" indicates where a number or letter should be entered. A "." or "-" indicates the divider that should be entered.

4. Click Save.

Importing Account Codes

1. Click the three dots next to the Add Account Code button and select Import Codes.

2. Download the template by clicking on Sample Account Codes CSV Template.

3. Fill in the template with the account codes you want to import and save as a .csv file. Do not change the header row.

4. Click the Import link again and click the Select File button. Select your file to upload.

5. Click Import.

6. The account codes will be added to your list.


Account Code Settings

Districts can enable account code access for organizations within the district and can set the account code format for those units. 

1. Click the three dots next to the Add Account Code button and select Settings.

2. To set the format for the account code:

  • From the dropdown, select the organization type.

  • Select the format for the account code by entering a # where a number or letter should be displayed and entering a "." or "-" where a divider should be displayed.

3. To Enable account code access for units within the district, move the slider switch to the right to turn it on.

4. Click Save.


Good to Know

  • At the district level, you can see account codes created across the district. The "Created By" column indicates the unit name.

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