How do I refund a credit card transaction in the store?

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It's easy to cancel and refund credit card transactions for orders placed in your store. Locate the order under Financial Management > Review Orders and click the refund button.

Note: The instructions below only apply to transactions made by credit card via your Givebacks Store.  

Canceling and refunding a transaction

1. From the toolbar, go to Financial Management and select Review Orders.

2. Click the order number of the order you want to refund to be taken to the order details page.

3. Click the Refund button at the bottom of the screen. 

4. Select Full refund or Partial refund.

5. For a partial refund, use the drop-down box to select the line item you wish to refund, then click the Refund Item(s) button.

6. You will see a confirmation box. If you are ready to refund the item, click Refund Payment.


7. Your refund is complete. A box confirming the refund appears at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds.

Notes about partial refunds:

  • Only the item cost is refunded for partial refunds, not the fees.
  • Refunds can only be made by line items. For example, if 2 items were placed in the cart separately resulting in 2 line items, one can be refunded. If a quantity of 2 items were purchased and show on the same line item, you can refund both items but not just one of them.
  • You can select multiple line items for a partial refund.

Good to know:

  • For a full refund, the customer will receive the full amount of the transaction. The fees will not be refunded on a partial refund.
  • The Orders page and Ordered Items pages can be filtered by refunded and partially refunded status.
  • There is no cost to issue a refund. If your organization chooses to cover processing fees, the fees will go back to your organization. If the purchaser covers the fees, they will receive a full refund.
  • For donations or purchases via Givebacks Fundraisers, refunds need to be made within the campaign.  How to cancel and refund a credit card transaction from a Givebacks Fundraiser
  • After initiating the refund, it will take 5-7 business days for the refund to be reflected in the donor’s bank or credit card account.
  • Orders for Givebacks Product Fundraisers can't be refunded this way. Product Fundraisers are generally non-refundable. Please direct your purchaser to contact Givebacks support to discuss terms for a refund. 

Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.


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