The Givebacks store allows you to bundle products so users can get a discount when purchasing the bundled items at once. Select Store, then Bundles. Select the products to add to the bundle and adjust the price. Customers will need to place all bundled products in their cart to receive the discounted price.
Creating Bundles
Note: To create a bundle, you will use previously created products.
1. From the toolbar select Store > Bundles.
2. Click Add Bundle on the top right.
3. Enter a Name for the bundled product.
4. Choose the products you want to bundle by clicking the three dots on that item's row. Select Add to Bundle.
5. In the Bundled Items section, adjust the price for one or more bundled items. This will not adjust the regular product price; it will just adjust its price when purchased with the other items in the bundle.
Note: Membership prices can not be adjusted. But you can bundle a product with a membership and adjust the product's price to account for the difference.
For Example: If you wish to give a standard membership (Reg: $10) for free with a t-shirt (Reg: $25), you can choose your standard membership item and t-shirt products in your bundle, and reduce the price of the t-shirt to $15.00 to account for the free standard membership ($10.00 value). Please add your product and then your membership.
6. Click Save.
Purchasing Bundled Products
Note: Bundles do not show in the store as a separate selection. Customers must place each bundled item in their cart to see the discounted price.
1. When a shopper selects an item that is part of a bundle, they will see suggested bundles and discounted prices associated with the bundled purchase.
2. If all items in the bundle are added to the cart, then the price will be updated to reflect the discounted prices.
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.