Treasurer's Guide to Givebacks Reports


Treasurers can use the Payout reports and Order reports to help them manage their organization's books. 

Payout Reports

Payout reports are a great place to start for reconciling your books. To download your Payout reports follow the steps in this article, How do I download a report of Stripe payouts for reconciliation?

Sample Payout Report:

payout report sample.png

There are a few different types of transactions here for demonstration purposes:

Row 1 is a Membership purchased through the Givebacks store. You see Price, Sub Total, Fees, and most importantly "Your Share". This is the amount that is deposited in your organization's bank account.

Row 2 is a Product purchased through the Givebacks store. You see Price, Sub Total, Fees, and most importantly "Your Share". This is the amount that is deposited in your organization's bank account.

Row 3 is a donation through Givebacks fundraisers.  Price is the donation amount selected in your online fundraiser. Fees is the full amount of credit card processing fees and platform fees. Depending on your Fundraiser pricing model, there are many ways fees can be calculated. Your Share is again the most important number because this is what your organization keeps.

Row 4 is a Product Fundraiser offer purchase. Price is the amount paid by the shopper. There are no fees for Product Fundraiser offers. Most importantly, the Your Share column shows the amount donated back to your organization from that purchase. (The Product Fundraiser program ends December 31, 2024.)



  • The report is downloaded as a CSV file so you can use your favorite spreadsheet tool.
  • Item Name and Category fields are included so you can sort and filter to itemize your payout reports.
  • Some tips to reconcile deposits to your bank account:
    • Filter by category or line item (whichever best matches your budget line items). If you prefer not to use filters, you can sort by category/item.
    • Sum by selected category/item.
    • Repeat steps 1 & 2 until all categories/items in the payout report are accounted for.
    • You can then split your bank deposit into multiple line items to match your payout.

Order Reports

There are two order reports - Orders and Ordered Items. For details on the order reports see How do I view my orders? These reports can be downloaded into CSV files too.

1. Orders Report - Orders reports show purchases at the cart level. There is one line per order.

Sample Orders Report:

sample order report.png

2. Ordered Items - The Ordered Items report shows every item purchased listed on a separate line. You can use the filters to narrow the view of your orders.

Sample Ordered Items Report:

sample ordered items report.png

Other important information


Refunds are listed on the Orders Report with a status of Refunded. The reports default to a status of purchased. To see refunds you will need to clear the filter or change the filter to include the status of Refunded. 

Credit Card Disputes

If a purchaser disputes a transaction, we will flag that item as disputed. You will be able to view the item by filtering on Status equals Disputed. 

Givebacks support will reach out to you to help resolve the dispute. It is often a misunderstanding because someone doesn't recognize a credit card purchase and can easily be resolved with a couple of emails.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.

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