How do I manage contacts in Givebacks?

From Contacts > All Contacts, you can edit contact information, add contacts manually, import contacts, and create and use filters.


Edit Contacts

You can edit a contact's information by clicking on their name to open their profile. Then click the Edit button to change or add information. If the contact has already claimed their account (indicated by the green check mark by their name), you will only be able to Suggest an Edit.

Check out this article for more information on editing contacts: How do I edit contacts?

Add Contacts

You can manually add Contacts one at a time using these steps.

1. Click the blue Add Contact button.

2. Select the Organization and any Hubs you want to add the contact to. Click Next.

3. Select the Role Name of Contact or Student. If you want the Contact to be removed from your organization at the end of the school year, switch the toggle to "on" for Expire role at end of year. Add the Email address (required), First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number for the contact. You can choose to Notify contacts by email by turning the toggle switch on. This will also give you the option to send a personal message. Click Save.

Note: Contacts with a Student role do not require an email address or phone number.

Import Contacts

You can import contacts using these steps.

1. Click the Import icon

2. Please read the instructions and download the template. Fill out the template without changing the header row. Upload the completed template.

Check out this article for more details on Importing Contacts: How Do I Import Contacts?


Filter Contacts on Roles, Properties, Email Status, and Hubs

To filter your contacts, click the Filters button. You will have the option to filter on RolesPropertiesEmail, or Hubs. Click Apply.

Note: The Properties section will list all contact Properties created by your organization.


Create Custom Filters

If you have a filtered list you want to use repeatedly for messaging or any other need, you can save the filter by following these steps.

1. Filter your contacts using the steps above.

2. Click the Save Filter button.

3. Enter a name for the filter and click Save.

4. You can use the View Saved Filter button to filter your contacts list with your saved filter.

Note: You can also use your saved filter in Newsletters, Messages, or Events to select your recipients.


Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.


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