Release Notes: June 5, 2023

The June 5, 2023 Release includes 3 notable changes: 

1.  New Passwords.

We are increasing our password requirements.  This means all users will need to reset their password.  For more information on how to reset your password. To reset your password go to and click "I forgot my password."


2. Site administrator (access) management changes.

You will now manage site admins and additional access roles in Settings -> Admin Roles.  (You will no longer manage admins on the Contacts page.)  


Along with this we have new access roles available to provide your administrators with access to only the areas they need in your site. 

Good to know: 

  • Previously existing site admin or store admin roles have been migrated to the new Admin Roles section.  The access level will remain the same for those admins.  
  • Previously existing Store Notification settings will be migrated to the new store notifications section.  
  • It is possible for someone to be an Administrator in your site, but not have a contact role. If you want them to receive newsletters and messages from your site, will you want to make sure your administrators also have contact roles.  
  • Read more about how to set up Administrators and access roles here: How do I add or remove Org/Site Administrators or Custom Permissions?

3.  Store notification settings are now managed in their own page

You can add, edit, or delete and store notification enrollments in Store -> Notifications.

NOTE:  In order to ensure someone in your site will receive messages from the Contact Store Admin feature in your store, all site admins will receive a message if no notifications have been configured.  

Previously existing store notification enrollments will still exist in the new notification page.  You can read about how to manage Store notifications here:  How to setup Notifications



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