Are you not seeing an Admin in your Shop to Give organization that is on your Givebacks site? No fret, just double-check they are listed as an admin under Settings in Givebacks, and if not, grant them Givebacks admin access - or add them to your cause directly from the admin management page on Shop to Give.
Does the person have full Admin access in Givebacks?
- From the Givebacks toolbar go to Settings > Admin Roles.
- Search the person's name or email address.
- See if they have the role of Admin.
- If not, follow these steps to add them as a full site admin.
- Refresh your screen on the Shop to Give Admin Portal and you should see them there.
Add the admin directly to your cause through the Shop to Give Admin Portal
Follow these steps here: How do I add my fellow officers to our cause?
Questions? Contact Givebacks Support.