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Givebacks Help Center
Managing Your Cause with Shop to Give
Managing Your Cause with Shop to Give
Help articles on the Cause Admin Portal of the Shop to Give program.
Backer Tracker
How can I view all of the people who have chosen to support my cause?
Promotion Center
How can I invite my backers to support my cause?
How do I message my backers to support my cause?
How can I promote my cause, to get more backers?
Admin Management
How can I remove an admin no longer with my cause?
Why are all my Givebacks site admins not admins on Shop to Give?
How can I change someone's level of admin access?
How do I add my fellow officers to our cause?
Pending Donations vs. Current Balance - What's the difference?
How to Set Up Stripe For Shop to Give
How do I receive my Shop to Give donations as a Shop to Give Cause?
How do we get our Shop to Give Payouts as a Givebacks Organization?
Cause Management
How can I edit the information on my cause page?
What do my backers see for my cause?
Getting Started
How can I reset my password?
How do I log in to manage my cause?
How to get your cause started with Shop to Give